...almost. Today we went to Millie's 2 month check up with the doctor. She got her shots, which almost made the nurse cry because Millie is so cute. Yeah, I'm biased. Sue me. Anyway, she's doing really well. She has a birthmark on the top of her head that started out looking like a portwine stain, like mine. But now it's raised up a bit. The doctor said that it could continue to grow until she's about 9 months, but it's nothing to worry about unless it grows out from her head more. We'll keep an eye on it.
She's doing just fine growth-wise. She's 22 1/4" (more accurate than the 23" she was supposedly measured at during her 2 week checkup) and 12 lbs. I expected her to be about 10 lbs. The girl is heavy! She's been asleep for a while now. I think the trauma of the shots wore her out.
The Family That Might Not Have Been: Part 1
10 years ago
My poor little...I mean poor BIG Millie. I hate giving little babies shots or IVs. She is so cute and the hemangioma on her head may fade later in childhood, hooray!! I love all of you, Josh
Good to hear about her appt, and hopefully her birthmark won't cause problems. Also, to give you a comparison, Ashton was 15 lbs at 2 months. So Millie is big, but I think it's always better if the boys are heavier, don't you? Maybe that's why I fattened Jabon up so much, eh? So much easier to increase his weight than decrease mine! ;)
Your babies are getting so big! I added Tara's in there as well. I can't wait to see them. I glad she was able to do the shots so well. Luckily I don't think any of the kids have had a problem with shots! Hooray! Or am I wrong?
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