Friday, October 8, 2010

Weekend of birthdays!

Happy Birthday to 4 WONDERFUL people. Cody, Josh, Genica and James!!! I love you all very much and hope that you all have such a great day on your birthdays.!

I still can't believe Cody is now 12! Holy Schmokes!!!! :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Here is my newest project. It's the first time I ever tried to refinish something. It's three windows. They started out like the tall one on the right. Then I painted it the grayish blue.
When that was all dry, I put on a coat of black. After that was dry, I sanded it like crazy. Ok, it wasn't like crazy because I could only do it by hand, and after the first half of the first one, my hand was dying. And I had to do THREE!
When that chore was finally done, I put on a coat of stain. I think they turned out pretty darn good if I do say so myself. I'm excited for them to go up. Now all I have to do is finish painting our master bath, and then maybe repaint our room, cuz lets face it, the color scheme I had in my head didn't look so good in person. It needs to be lighter. Yes, lighter. I hope I can get it done.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Arrival!

Congrats to Shelly and Josh on their upcoming addition to their family! We all love you and want you to know we are so excited to meet our new niece or nephew!