Monday, February 2, 2009

Day of trauma

Teagan had a hard day today. While I was vaccuming our living room, he got into my closet. Which is normally blocked so he can't. He usually sits on the couch and watches me while I do this, but today he was braver than normal and decided to go into my closet. I heard him fall, and went to see what he did. He came out crying, with blood all over his mouth. Frantically of course, I went to wipe him up and found out that he had fallen so hard on SOMETHING that his front top left tooth had been pushed backwards. I tried to call James, which he was in the Creek doing a test at the time, but couldn't get a hold of him, so I took Teagan to the ER in Woodland. We were waiting so long there that James was able to meet us before we were called in. So we left to go to the Springs. Instead of going to the doctor, we took him straight to the dentist since he stopped bleeding and could tell it was just a dental problem. She, the dentist, referred us to an oral surgeon who said that it should probably come out so that it does not infect the roof of his mouth, and make his big boy tooth, that you could see in the x-ray, it was pretty cool, get ruined. So after talking about it for a couple minutes, weighing the pros and cons, we decided to take it out. :( Long story, very long but trying to make it short, he has his very first tooth gone. He's a sad sight right now. His lips are swollen. The top lip because his tooth was so ouchy. The bottom lip because he cut it on the inside and the outside. Poor guy. I tried to take a picture of it, but it hurts him too much to get a good shot at the missing tooth. So all you get is the swollen lips. I hope everyone else had a much better day than we did!!!


Shelly said...

OOOOHHHHH!!!!!!! Poor kid! You can feel his pain drip off of the picture! What a cruddy, cruddy day! I'm so sorry for you guys. Give him an extra kiss for me!! P.S. Is the Tooth Fairy coming for him tonight?

Lori said...

Nah. We decided that when he gets old enough to understand about the tooth fairy, then she'll come. Probably when Trenton starts to loose his teeth.

Lori said...
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Tara Dawn said...

Oh no!! Poor guy! I hope he feels better soon.