Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Little Rays of Sunshine

I was in the shower today and Trenton left me a little present on the toilet seat. It was this picture. I just thought I would share this.
With all of this rain, there was bound to be a rainbow in the mix somewhere. This one happened the other night at about 8:15. I was really surprised that it was so light. The boys wanted a picture taken of it and to draw a picture of it. Right after I took the picture, it vanished. I guess it was staying there just long enough for us to enjoy it.


Jabon said...

It is sweet to see a message like that.

That rainbow picture is awesome. I don't recall ever seeing a double rainbow. Nice!

Lori said...

I got a picture of it on both ends. I only posted one though, since they both look the same. It was really pretty to see.

Shelly said...

Awww, Trenton is a sweetie! The rainbow is awesome--every raincloud has a rainbow lining. Or something like that! :)

Tara Dawn said...

How sweet of Trenton!

I love rainbows but they are the most rare things in Arizona!