Sunday, May 17, 2009

Random Thoughts by Shelly

I miss Peter's singing. Not the nice, melodic voice used in performances. I'm talking the episodes of him going upstairs to the bathroom after dinner (especially on his dishes nights), closing the door and immediately belting out, "Oh, say can you see?" Yes, Pete. We all know what business you're up to.

This is my neighbor. She's vacuuming her driveway. She also vacuums her flowerbeds. I don't know which is weirder--the fact that she's vacuuming the outdoors or that I took a picture of her through my curtains.


Lori said...

I miss Pete's singing too. Trenton is close to doing the same thing. He always sings, just just "The Star Spangled Banner."

I think it's so funny that you took a picture of your wacky neighbor vaccuming her driveway. That is weird!

Tara Dawn said...

Yeah, I think you both are weird!