Saturday, January 10, 2009

Here We Go...

Okay, so here's our first posting. I hope this ends up being as fun as I imagine it will.

Here's my challenge to you...tell us about your Christmas break. What did you do? Who did you see? What were your favorite presents? What did you eat?


Update everyone on what you've been doing since the break ended (or is about to, for JC and Kelsey).

Here's my update: I've been sitting around and doing very little. Actually, I'm feeling a LOT better since Millie's birth. The kids are excited to be back in school (me too!) and Josh is back at work now.

Last night the kids got to have a campout in our family room. We don't have any furniture down there, except for the fetching pair of chairs from Aunt Jo, so they had plenty of space. They even got to have the fire going. They thought it was pretty cool. About the only way you can camp in Montana in the wintertime!


RNLambile said...

The kids were soooo excited, but of course I had forgotten about it until the last moment. So I had to set up the tent, get firewood from the backyard, and start the fire...all while Shelly was shooting incesent photos of the process!!!

Jabon said...

Ha ha! Well maybe this spring we can all go camping again. It was a blast!