Monday, January 19, 2009

Dad and Abby

I made Mom create a Google account so she can make comments and posts, but I'm going to steal a story she may have written.

Dad took Abby to go feed Takela the other day. (I don't know if I spelled her name right. All I know is that her name is not Tequila.) And as they were leaving Abby said to Dad, "I think the other horses are talking to Takela and they're saying, 'You're so lucky to have a little girl and an old man.'"

Ha ha. Dad's old.


Tara Dawn said...

That is so funny!!

colds1 said...

Abby is very wise!

Mom and Dad Williams said...

The exact quote was"I think the other horses are talking to Tokala. They're saying, you're so lucky to have a little girl and an old man taking care of you!"

Anonymous said...

You know Dad Williams that still make you OLD!! HA HA Love Debbie