Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gettin' in shape

James and I are trying to get in shape. That seems to be a common goal with us all. Today we started. It's so discouraging to not see results the very first day. But we will seriously try to stay with it. Our plan is for James to take his CPAT in a couple of months. He hasn't wanted to take it before because he wasn't feeling up to it. But hopefully by the end of March he will feel better and take it and pass. That way he can apply and get hired. I'm hoping on LAFD or somewhere warm. I'm so dreadfully tired of the cold. I've got such plans for living where it's nice and warm. Beach days often are included in those.

I really wish that I had a camera so I could post some pictures. We need to get one soon. I'm applying for a job for an insurance place that you need a camera for. So if I get that, then we'll get one really soon.

1 comment:

Tara Dawn said...

good luck on the job!