Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, JC!

Happy Birthday, JC. I found this old picture and now I have a scanner, so watch out, everybody. This is JC's birthday in probably 1990 (judging by my perm). It's the house in Idaho, I know that for sure.

I hope you have a good day, JC. Even if I doubt you'll ever read this. Oh well!!


Jabon said...

Happy Birthday Jared!

Shelly, where are the acid washed guess jeans? How about the button up knotted at the bottom?

Oh the styles of time past. Nice perm by the way!

Lori said...

You forget the leg warmers with the folded over and rolled up pant legs. Those were the times!!


We called and sang to him. He was laughing the whole time.